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"Our Vision at Covenant Church is to be a welcoming place where Jesus followers find belonging, grow in faith, and show His love.”
We envision our church becoming an ethnically diverse community representative of the people in the NorthEast corner of Woodstock, Ontario.
We're not there yet, but with you, we will be one step closer!
We Worship
We Worship our Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) each Sunday and we worship throughout the week out of thankfulness for all that God has done for us in Jesus.
We Grow in Love
We strive to live out our lives as faithful followers of Jesus Christ while realizing that we are all in different stages in our walk with Christ. Whatever stage you're at, come grow with us through our discipleship opportunities.
How can we pray for you?
We'd be honoured to be in prayer for you. We encourage you to use our anonymous prayer request form so that our prayer team can lift you up in prayer. We believe that God loves it when we share what's on our hearts and minds with Him.
"I have had the privelege of serving Covenant Church for seven years as the Senior Pastor. My vision is to see more and more ethnic diversity in our church family because that's what the New Creation will look like! If you are looking for a church family, we encourage you to check us out."
Pastor John Moelker

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Dark Preamble - Seasonal announcement or note, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida aliquam magna